If you're having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning now, wait until your alarm goes off Monday morning.  We lose an hour of sleep this weekend.  Sunrise on Monday morning (March 14) will be 7:40 AM. and sunset is an hour later, too at 7:33 AM.

Before you go to bed on Saturday night, make sure you "spring ahead" and move your clocks ahead one hour.  2:00 AM Sunday morning, March 13, is the official time when daylight saving time begins.

Want to know sunrise and sunset for each day?  Click here.

Sioux Falls Fire Rescue have an important reminder:  Change Your Clock Change Your Battery.  Remind family and friends to change their smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector batteries and make a positive change in our community.

“Eighty percent of child fire fatalities occur in homes without working smoke alarms. It’s a tragic statistic that could be reduced by adopting the simple habit of the Change Your Clock Change Your Battery program,” says Fire Marshal Dean Lanier.

Changing smoke alarm batteries at least once a year, testing those alarms, and reminding others to do the same are some of the simplest, most effective ways to reduce these tragic deaths and injuries.

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