Fathers Day was designed as a day to honor fathers and the role they play. The weight of a fathers words said and unsaid stay with us on this journey.

I found this creative way to relay encouragement to kids during the school year from the website JonGordon.com:

It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life. -Dawn French

Sometimes fathers don't say the words that need to be heard or they were never there to say any words at all.

I heard a wise man named Larry Rohrick speak on this, he said: "Adults should say the words they always needed, but never heard." If you've hung onto something gone unsaid or maybe the possibility of ever hearing it has passed, say them to yourself.

It's a good week to reflect on the fathers we were born to, and those who stepped in to fill in some empty spaces. If your a father its good time to look at how we are there for and encourage all kids.

Fathers Day is hopefully a time when the cultures says, "This is our moment to look at who our men and boys are.'  -Michael Gurian

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